Using the new? anomalous magnetic Prandtl number? in accretion disks, we study the effect of dissipation on magnetic instability of Keplerian disks. 我们利用吸积盘中新的反常磁普朗特数来研究耗散过程对开普勒盘磁不稳定性的影响。
The main objective of the present work is to study the effect of free surface heat transfer on the thermocapillary flow of high Prandtl number fluids. 本文利用数值方法探讨往复振荡圆柱对渠道内加热块之暂态流场结构及热传特性的影响。
The Marangoni flow in the whole liquid zone appears to get weaker and the non-linearity of the temperature field tends to abate along with the augmentation of Prandtl number. Pr数愈大,整个液体区域内的Marangoni对流有减弱趋势,温度分布的非线性程度减弱。
Dimensionless equation of air flow resistance is functional relation of Euler number, Reynolds number and Prandtl number, is set up after experimental data is analyzed. 建立了空气流动阻力的准则方程,即欧拉数Eu与雷诺数Re、普朗特数Pr之间的函数关系。
In the logarithm law region, the turbulence Prandtl number PrT varies linearly with the reciprocal of molecular Prandtl number in Reynolds average. 发现在槽道湍流的外层,湍流雷诺平均普朗特数PrT与分子普朗特数的倒数呈线性关系;
Turbulent Prandtl number of wakes generated by a free vibrating cylinder were investigated experimentally, and results were compared with those of rigid cylinder wakes. 对自由振动圆柱后尾迹中的湍流普朗特数进行了实验研究,并与刚性柱体尾迹的结果作了比较。
The distributions of Reynolds shear stress, fluctuation heat flux and turbulent Prandtl number were obtained. 得到了Reynolds应力、脉动热通量和Prandtl数的分布。
Boiling Heat Transfer of Flowing High Prandtl Number Fluids 高普朗特数液体的流动沸腾传热
However, it affected the distribution of temperature, and a small value of Prandtl number tended to produce an axial temperature smaller than the real value. 但对温度分布影响较大,且紊动普朗特数的取值越小,数值模拟出来的轴线上的温度值与真实值相比偏小。
Bifurcation and oscillation of natural convection in a horizontal layer of low Prandtl number fluid 低Prandtl数水平流体层自然对流的振荡和分歧
This paper carry out experimental study of the heat transfer and flow resistance characteristics of high Prandtl number fluid in 3-D internally crossing-finned tubes with cross-experiment design method. 本文以未使用过的润滑油为工质,用正交试验设计方法,对高Pr数流体在肋叉排列三维内肋管中的传热和流阻特性进行了实验研究。
Bifurcation and oscillation were studied for the natural convection in a horizontal layer of low Prandtl number fluid using SIMPLE algorithm with a kind of QUICK scheme. 本文用具有QUICK方案的有限差分法对底部加热的低Prandtl数水平流体层自然对流换热进行了数值计算,研究了这种问题中存在的振荡和分歧问题。
Based on the value range for Prandtl number suggested by experiments, how different values of Prandtl number affecting the simulated results was studied qualitatively by using a k-ε model under axisymmetric coordinate. 本文在已有实验推荐的取值范围的基础上,采用圆柱轴对称坐标系下的k-ε模型,研究了不同紊动普朗特数取值对数值模拟结果逼近真实值的影响程度。
Boiling heat transfer of flowing high Prandtl number fluids was studied experimentally in different types oi thermosyphon boiling device with various geometrical dimensions. 在不同几何结构的热虹吸沸腾装置中对高Pr准数液体的流动沸腾传热进行实验研究。
It is obtained a mathematical solution in this paper that the temperature of the plate wall is not a Constant, the vertical velocity around the plate is not zero and the Prandtl number ( Pr) is also a veriable. 本文给出了在平板壁温不为常数,绕流壁面的横向速度也不为零和Pr数是变量时的一个数学解。
At a fixed Reynolds number, the Nusselt number for ethylene glycol solution with larger Prandtl number is greater than that for water. 在相同Re数下,Pr数大的乙二醇水溶液工质的Nu数大于水的Nu数。
The Prandtl number has a much greater effect on the temperature distribution than the injection or radiation parameters. Prandtl数对温度分布的影响比射流参数或幅射参数大得多。
Study on the Value of Prandtl Number in Turbulent Buoyant Jet 紊动浮射流中的普朗特数取值研究
And further the effects of Knudsen number, Prandtl number, thermal conductivity, thermal accommodation coefficient and gas pressure on the gas gap conductance are discussed, which provides the quantitatively theoretical solutions to the interfacial gap gas heat transfer in the real contact conditions. 并对影响接触界面间隙热导的克努森数、普朗特数、热导率、适应系数、压力等参数进行了分析,为实际情况下接触界面的传热提供了理论基础。
The result shows that the spiral twisted flat tubes were comparatively good enhanced heat transfer components, they had better enhanced heat transfer result, particularly to the high viscose flow with high Prandtl number in laminar flow with low Reynolds number or transition flow. 结果表明,螺旋扭扁管是一种较好的强化传热元件,尤其对具有高Pr数的大粘度流体在低Re数的层流或过渡流时具有较好的强化传热效果。
With the increase of Prandtl number, the heat transfer ability strengthened but the friction factor did not change and the comprehensive performance of the SDT bundle weakened. 增大流体Pr数,管束间传热能力增强,但对f无影响,综合性能则减弱。